Monday, December 8, 2008
November Results
Here's a breakdown of how the 8 pairs I traded fared in November:
GBP/JPY +871
GBP/USD +627
USD/CHF +246
AUD/USD +151
USD/CAD +134
USD/JPY -372
EUR/USD -642
EUR/JPY -920
Total for November - +95 pips
While this doesn't seem like the best month, there are a couple of things to consider. Besides the fact that I was able to generate a small profit instead of take a loss for the month, there are also a couple of trades still open that are well into profit and will add to the December profits... one on the USD/JPY for over 200 pips and one on the EUR/JPY that is over 400 pips in profit. I didn't factor these trades taken in November into the results as they are still open and the profits haven't been realized yet.
Also, I was able to reduce my risk and offset some of the FPM losses in November by day trading with Forex Day Monster. Many times I've mentioned how I can "spread my risk" by trading a long term system (FPM) and a short term system (FDM)... and this is what I mean; while the EUR/USD lost 642 pips in November with Forex Profit Monster, I was able to GAIN 1,219 pips day trading the same pair. How does that happen? Easy... by day trading the EUR/USD on the 15 minute chart, I was able to catch the trends on that time frame that were the "tight range" on the 4 Hour time frame. So while FPM got whipsawed on the EUR/USD 4 Hour chart while it ranged after the huge October move, FDM caught the "mini-trends" on the 15 minute chart. Here's the breakdown of how FDM performed on the EUR/USD in November:
Total trades: 31
Winning trades: 15 - 1,667 pips
Losing trades: 16 - 448 pips
Total pips won: 1,219
Winning percentage: 48%
Average win: 111 pips
Average loss: 28 pips
Risk/Reward: 3.96 to 1
So you can see that by trading both systems I was able to turn a 642 pip loss on the EUR/USD into a 577 pip profit by spreading my risk trading both systems on different time frames.
So there are the November results... a small overall gain for FPM that was increased by also trading FDM... plus over 600 pips of profit still open toward December on the 4 Hour charts.
Next month after the December results are in I will post the year end results for Forex Profit Monster.
If you'd like more information about Forex Profit Monster or Forex Day Monster, visit my website at
Best of luck in your trading and may many pips flow into your trading account!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Follow Up To Yesterday's Forex Day Monster Trades
Here's another great move today on the GBP/USD:
A stellar example of how lucrative day trading can be! 439 pips on one pair in one trading session! Again, you can't expect results like this every day and your results can vary depending upon which time frames you choose to trade, but the potential is there for you.
I also profited 65 more pips on the USD/CHF today and lost 20 pips on the EUR/USD as it didn't make a similar move to the GBP/USD but instead traded in a tight range after yesterday's large move.
Today I booked another 704 pips of profit trading the major pairs. Add that to yesterday's 405 pips and that's 1,109 pips across two days of trading four currency pairs during the London/New York Forex sessions.
For more information about the Forex Day Monster trading system (or the original Forex Profit Monster trading system) visit my website at
Thanks for visiting and best of luck in your trading!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Forex Day Monster Trading System Results
Below is the first chart on my series of trades on the EUR/USD:
As you can see, the USD/JPY was not profitable for me this time around as I lost 11 pips across two trades. Unfortunately this pair has been ranging A LOT lately with the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen both becoming stronger. It's a tough pair to trade, but being a trend trader I always try to catch every signal I can as I don't want to miss the breakout that may be the next big move!
So a great day for Tuesday... 405 pips of profit. Once again I mention that this is not a typical day... you will get a day like this once, maybe twice a week... and you may not get winners quite this large. I tell you this so that you don't get your expectations up too much... you can and will experience days like this but you have to be patient. You could spend a few sessions breaking even or with small winners or losers until you catch these large moves. The important thing is not only to follow the system rules as laid out in the User Guide/Trading Plan, but also to follow the money management and trading psychology that is included in the system.
For more information about the Forex Day Monster system, visit my website at and click the "Forex Day Monster" tab at the top of the page. And if you are brand new to Forex trading and want to learn to trade Forex, then before attempting to trade with Forex Day Monster you should learn by using the original Forex Profit Monster trading system.
To purchase either system go to and do a search for the system you're looking for... "Forex Profit Monster" or "Forex Day Monster".
Thanks for checking out this Forex Day Monster update and best of luck in your trading!
Friday, November 7, 2008
October Results; What A Month... How About That Dollar???
October was another "record breaking" month for FPM. With the U.S. Dollar finding strength amongst the souring global economy it's a great time to be trading Forex with Forex Profit Monster! While I'm sure a lot of systems had a good month in October, I was able to pull over 11,000 pips of profit out of the market with FPM! 11,546 on the 4 Hour chart across 8 different pairs to be exact... that's the best month ever for FPM. While I don't expect this kind of result every month (or even every few months) it does go to show how resilient this system is. It seems I'm able to "eek out" several hundred pips on average every month and have only had ONE losing month in over a year now (and that was less than 200 pips). Below are two charts of the USD/CAD for October and the trades that I took:
Thanks for visiting the FPM blog and best of luck in your trading!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
September Results
The end of September saw some good moves setting up again across most pairs as many worldwide are fleeing back to the U.S. Dollar from the Euro and other currencies. Even with all of the credit and banking turmoil in the U.S., it seems the dollar is still the currency everyone runs to when times are unstable worldwide. FPM has caught some incredible trends again... here's a couple charts of trades that were taken to end September and will be helping me to achieve some stellar profits again for October:
Next is a 4 Hour chart of the GBP/JPY:
This trade is still open and currently over 17oo pips in profit!
Here's the GBP/USD:
This trade on the cable is also still open and over 700 pips in profit.
This trade was also closed out for a 371 pip profit!
And here's a chart of the USD/JPY... the pair that gave us the most ranging in September. It finally had a breakout and is currently over 450 pips in profit!
That gives me two trades already closed and booked for October (on the EUR/USD and USD/CHF) for a profit of 1,019 pips... plus over another 2,870 pips of profit not booked in the above charts! I also have open trades on the USD/CAD and a couple of other pairs that are also in profit. It looks like October will be another HUGE month for FPM!
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster trading system, visit my website at
To purchase Forex Profit Monster go to and do a search for "Forex Profit Monster". Or to see both the FPM system and the daytrading Forex Day Monster system just search "Forex Monster".
Thanks for stopping by and best of luck in your trading!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The August Results
While on the subject of what a great month August was I'd like to address an email I received recently (among some other issues). It seems as the success of my trading systems continue I am getting more and more people MAD AT ME for being successful!!! I actually had a person email me and tell me that the only reason my systems have been successful is because the past couple of months have been good trending months. DUH... really? Do you think so? Do you think a trend following system is performing well because the trends have been good??? I'm sorry... excuse the sarcasm, but I get tired of the "naysayers" who like to contact me to tell me why my systems won't continue to work over the long run. First of all, it's been more than two months... FPM has proven itself to me for well over a year now. Almost two years if you count the time I spent developing, building and testing the system. Most of the traders throwing these accusations around haven't even been trading for that much time! FDM also continues to work well... I've been bringing in anywhere from 100-300 pips per week day trading the major pairs. Those of you who keep sitting around waiting for my systems to crash and burn can do it all you want, but please stop contacting me... I'm not looking to fight with you and I will delete your email without answering it. I will continue to use FPM to book good averaged profits almost each and every month. At last tally that average is growing steadily and is now over 1,000 pips per month after factoring in the incredible August that just passed.
Again, I have been upfront about what to expect from my trading systems... they are not the holy grail. They will have losses. But they are designed to accumulate more pips than they lose over time using simple trend following theories that have been proven to work. They are the "real deal"... the types of systems REAL traders use to bring in profits trading the Forex.
I would also like to take the time to address those who insist on asking me for detailed trade results over extended periods of time before they purchase my systems. I understand you being cautious... you want an iron clad guarantee that the system will make you money. But you must understand that first of all, I've already been posting on this blog for almost a year now providing you with information on over a year's worth of my personal results. Second of all, I can not and will not compile my personal information because you are hesitant to spend $50 or $80 (I am not asking you to spend thousands of dollars here and I am providing you with lifetime support!!!). I also can't guarantee even with my profitable systems that you will follow the rules and end up with the same results as me! That's another email I get every once in awhile... someone writing me back telling me how to change the system to make it better. If you want to make changes to the trading plan, that's up to you... but I suggest you follow the rules as they are laid out for you. Most of the people who want to tweak the system are unknowingly taking on too much risk with the changes they are making. Everything in my systems, from the entry and exit signals to the money management and trading psychology has been laid out for you and has proven to be successful for me, so why change it? If you insist on "tweaking" the systems then I would suggest studying and learning how to build your own trading system that performs better than FPM or FDM over time and then come back and show it to me. Maybe I'd like to buy it for $50 or $80! (Although unlike me I doubt you'd sell it for that much... you'd probably want to charge me hundreds or thousands of dollars LOL).
Finally, one more thing that may help those of you who are looking for some way to judge me and my trading systems. As you know I sell my systems on eBay. Since I've been selling them on eBay (almost a year now) I see system sellers come and system sellers go. Most of them grab some money from people with their wild claims of 100% weekly or monthly returns, and then in a month or two when their systems are found out to be frauds, they stop selling and delete their eBay account... having in effect "stolen" a lot of money from a lot of wide eyed gullible people. I, on the other hand, am one of only two or three sellers on all of eBay who has managed to attain Power Seller status and keep it by selling ONLY my 2 Forex systems. The feedback I've received from my buyers has also been great. Almost every single one is thrilled with the value of what they purchased... and many who purchase one of my systems come back and purchase the other one too. I will also tell you that a lot of the people who purchase my trading systems contact me to tell me that they make their money back on their very first trade or series of trades. If that's not enough for you to trust me enough to spend $50 or $80, then I don't know what else to tell you! You're looking for that iron clad guarantee that I can't give you. (Please remember this before asking me to spend a lot of time compiling months and months worth of my detailed personal trading information!)
I'm sorry for the "rant" that this post turned into. I almost deleted the last few paragraphs I wrote before posting this blog entry because I don't want to offend anyone, but hopefully it will help some people understand how frustrating their demands can be. I don't mind answering questions about the trading systems if you have them before you decide if you want to buy, but there's a difference between asking some questions and demanding certain information before you decide to even think about purchasing! (For those who are unsure of the difference, I can answer questions in the reasonable amount of time it takes me to type the answers to you and possibly attach a chart or other picture to the email. If I have to start breaking out a calculator and my last "X" months of trading logs then you're being unreasonable!) People can be very unreasonable... and since I'm not making my living by selling my systems I sometimes contemplate NOT selling them anymore. But I will admit I do like the small extra income (pocket money if you will) and even more so I like helping traders who are just starting out (or who have been around for a little while but have always struggled) by offering systems that can and will teach them to be profitable traders.
Anyway... now that all of that is off my chest, I hope your August was as profitable as mine and here's to a profitable September too!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
July Results for FPM and update on FDM
For the month of July FPM posted some more above average gains. I traded mainly 4 Hour charts and ended up with 1,956 pips of profit for July. This includes about 1,000 pips that were closed out this month from trades that were opened in June. This doesn't count a couple of trades that I just opened recently including this one from last week on the GBP/USD on the 4 Hour time frame that is still open:
For those of you who haven't heard... my new day trading system "Forex Day Monster" which was designed using the same theory and principles that I used to design Forex Profit Monster is now available. (A big thank you to all of the current FPM users who have already purchased FDM to use as a short term system to compliment FPM.) It's in response to all of the short term traders who asked me to design a system similar to FPM but in which they could close out trades in a single trading session most of the time.
FDM has been performing VERY well so far. In fact I'd have to say that I find it just as profitable as FPM on short time frames (I prefer to trade 15 min charts). In fact today was a great day as I caught moves of 80-100 pips on the USD/CHF, EUR/USD, USD/JPY and GBP/USD. Here's a chart of the GBP/USD trade:
Now you won't catch moves like this every day... more like once a week. But even the "smaller" wins on the major pairs will range between 20-80 pips while your losers will usually be 10-30 pips. I personally have been averaging 200-300 pips per week so far using FDM on 4 or 5 pairs during the European and NY session. (However I can't guarantee you'll be able to duplicate my results exactly due to the effect of trading psychology).
For those of you who email me to ask what the difference is between FPM and FDM... it's simple. FPM is designed for higher time frames like 1 Hour, 4 Hour, Daily and Weekly charts. FDM is designed for day trading small time frames like 5 min, 15 min, and 30 min charts. I choose to use both to spread my risk and at the same time pull even more pips out of the market!
If you want more information on Forex Profit Monster or Forex Day Monster just go to my website at
To purchase FPM or FDM (or both) just go to eBay and do a search for "Forex Profit Monster" or "Forex Day Monster". Or to see both in the same search just search for "Forex Monster".
Best of luck in your trading!
Monday, June 30, 2008
June Results for Forex Profit Monster
The next trade in the chart below is the EUR/USD... also on the 4 hour time frame. This trade was entered at 1.5570 and is also still open and 215 pips in profit.
If I closed all of the open trades right now I would end the month with 1,603 pips instead of 617... but I'll leave them open and wait for the system to give me an exit signal.
So there are the results for June... once again FPM has generated over 600 pips of profit for the month... plus I've got a big head start for July with all of the trades that are still open and well into profit!
Don't forget that this Friday is the 4th of July in the U.S., so not only will the market volume be down during the NY session, but the Non-Farm Payroll report due out on Friday will be released early on Thursday this week! Don't get caught off guard trading on Thursday as that report will cause low volumes before it is released followed by extremely high volatility during/after the release!
For more information about FPM and how it works, visit the website at
Best of luck in your trading and may many pips flow into your account!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
First Post of FDM System
For those interested in the FDM daytrading system, it should be available for sale within the next week or so... keep checking this blog! For those of you who haven't used the Forex Profit Monster system, I recommend you try this system first... you'll find more information about it on the website...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
May Ends Up Being An Above Average Month
Speaking of that system I continue to get emails from people interested in purchasing it. I feel that after several months of conceiving, developing and testing this system it is about ready to be made available for others to use. I've ended up reducing the number of indicators that were originally to be used in this system without affecting the performance. This will make it almost as easy to use as Forex Profit Monster... although I would still recommend having some trading experience since this is a short term system and Forex is such a fast moving market. I've had very good success "scalping" 10 - 20 pip moves on the 5, 15 and 30 minute charts (I prefer the 15 and 30 minute charts) and have also done well using support and resistance and indicator based exit strategies to grab 30 - 100 pip moves. Now I have to write an instruction manual and finish cleaning up the code for the indicators and templates.
A lot of work has gone into this system... even though it's based on the same principles as Forex Profit Monster, I have developed two more proprietary indicators for Forex Day Monster. One of these indicators is called "Buy Sell Pressure" and is an excellent entry and exit tool on its own, but when used in conjunction with the other FDM indicators it does a great job of keeping losers small and letting winners run while still closing out trades in a single day. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of "daytrading" (I've always found that longer term trading generates the best profits by keeping your broker's fees low), I can see some real potential to being able to generate some stable weekly profits using this system. Trading at high volume times for a currency pair will usually only generate 1-3 signals a day... so you still won't be "overtrading" and giving your profits back to the broker in the form of the spread. While not every day (or week) has been profitable using FDM, the system does show a positive expectancy over time. It's hard for me to give exact win ratios as I've been testing different exit strategies, but my trading logs currently show the system generating a 50-67% win rate. The rate varies depending upon the exit strategy. This along with winning trades being bigger than losing trades provides excellent long term potential for day trading with Forex Day Monster!
Well, back to work... I need to start working on the User Guide/Installation Manual and cleaning up the code for the finalized versions of the new indicators. If you're interested in this system please send me an email to or just keep an eye on this blog for information on when it will be available to the public. I'll post some screen shots of this system once the final version is ready.
Thanks for reading... and may many pips flow into your account!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Yes I Know... I Haven't Been Posting
The reason I haven't been posting as often is I like to be able to post marked up charts to illustrate some of the trades I've taken. While this doesn't take a lot of time, it is low on my priority list and I've been so busy between personally trading FPM and providing support to my current customers that I already had very little time to devote to updating the blog. And lately I've been even busier forward testing the new short term system that I've mentioned in earlier posts in this blog. This system is almost impossible to backtest and therefore needs even more extensive forward testing which is very time consuming.
So there's your answer... yes, FPM is still working fine. And for those of you who are interested in a short term system to complement the long term system FPM, keep an eye on this blog and my website as I'm getting close to being able to share it with you soon.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It's Been Awhile...
EUR/USD long - Opened at 1.4642; closed at 1.5363. Profit - 721 pips.
GBP/USD long - Opened at 1.9660; closed at 1.9837. Profit - 177 pips.
USD/CAD short - Opened at .9960; closed at .9839. Profit - 121 pips.
USD/CHF short - Opened at 1.0886; closed at 1.0140. Profit - 747 pips.
USD/JPY short - Opened at 107.10; closed at 103.79. Profit - 331 pips.
Total positive pips for these trades: 2,097!!!
I took a few days off after closing out these trades as there were a lot of major moves and those are many times followed by some ranging and false moves while price settles down.
I finished the month of February +694 pips, and March stands at the above total (+2,079) so far!
I'll be posting more charts of trades for the month of March as time allows.
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster trading system and how it works, visit my website at
Best of luck in your trading...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's Been A Fantastic Week On The 4 Hour Charts
A USD/CHF short that is still open and almost 400 pips in profit:
And finally a USD/JPY short that is open and 176 pips in profit. Just before this trade I entered a long which was a loser for 64 pips, but even with that loss we are still over 100 pips in profit on this series of trades!
Because none of the above trades have been closed for realized profits I won't add them to the totals for the month of February, but I will subtract the 64 pip loss. That means that so far for the month of February Forex Profit Monster has a total gain of +694 pips. Hard to believe that if I closed all of the open trades in this post I could close out February with 2,329 pips!!!
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster system and how it works, visit my website at
I'll update these trades in a future post... I hope you're having as good of a February trading as I am! Here's to positive pips...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Forex Profit Monster Continues Winning Ways...
First the losing trades... I had three losers. One on the USD/JPY for a loss of 42 pips and two losers on the USD/CHF... one for -92 pips and one for -43 pips.
Now on to the better news... the winning trades :-)
First up is a trade that is currently still open. It's on the EUR/USD and is shown here on the chart below:
Here's another chart of a trade made this week on the EUR/JPY:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
February Off To A Good Start
It didn't take long to move back into the positive in pips for the month though. This next chart shows a good trade taken on the 4 Hour chart on the GBP/USD. It took a few days and looked like it might not be a winner at first, but that's why you can't bail out of fear! This trade generated 256 pips of profit in just a few days.
Friday, February 1, 2008
This Week's (and Month's) Results... Best Month Yet for Forex Profit Monster!
I decided to limit my trading today due to the U.S. Non-Farm Payroll coming out as I don't like trading around major news, so no trades have been taken so far for the month of February.
On another subject, I've been getting some email lately from people considering buying Forex Profit Monster. I've decided to post some of the answers I've given them here on the blog because I figure if one person asks it, many others may be thinking it too. One question I've received has asked me if I can post my trade entries in "almost" real time instead of showing the charts after the fact. To be honest, I really have no interest in doing this because I need to concentrate on my trading and other business activities and can't rush to the blog every time I open a trade to post the chart. I try my best to show the open and close when a trade lasts more than a day or two and is convenient for me to post, otherwise my priority is my trading first. I'm not trying to hide anything... I've been upfront that this system is not a holy grail and that there will be losses. I've even shared some of the losing trades right here on the blog. This system is very robust, but there will be losing weeks and maybe even losing months. For those who've asked, here's a breakdown of my monthly results so far with FPM since I've been keeping track:
August 07 + 579 pips
September 07 - 173 pips
October 07 + 385 pips
November 07 + 999 pips
December 07 + 585 pips
January 08 + 1,462 pips
Total - + 3,837 pips in 6 months or + 639 pips per month on average. (I've been trading this system for almost a year, but the first few months were "beta testing" and I made some adjustments to it during this period so I won't post those results).
Now you must realize that I took fewer trades the first three months (Aug, Sep & Oct) than I did the past three months (Nov, Dec, and Jan) and this had an effect on the results. I think as I became more confident in it I did even better. Again... I'm posting my personal results because people are asking. If you decide to use FPM on your own your results can vary depending on the currency pairs you choose to trade, the time frames you choose to trade and your ability to follow the rules of the system. I WILL NOT GUARANTEE YOU WILL HAVE THE SAME RESULTS AS ME. I can't emphasize this enough. I'm being as honest and forthright as I can about what to expect from my system... I would rather be honest and have you NOT buy from me than to take your money and have you feel you didn't get what you paid for.
Anyway... with that being said, I hope the month of January was as profitable for you as it was for me, and here's to an even better February!!!
For more information about Forex Profit Monster and how it works, visit my website at
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Good Entries On USD/CAD and GBP/USD on 4 Hour Charts
I haven't added to the monthly pip total since the last posting because both of the trades I've taken are still open and the profits haven't been "booked" and realized yet. That means the total for January still stands at 1,140 pips profit. I'm hoping to add a little more to that in the next couple of days before we start February!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Forex Profit Monster trading system, please visit my website at
Thanks, and here's to good trading!
Friday, January 25, 2008
AUD/USD provides more pips this week
It's been a good week with several "small wins" of less than 100 pips on a few pair (GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF) that all closed at support/resistance. I also continue to pull pips out of the EUR/JPY and GBP/JPY. So far this week FPM has generated 313 pips with a 7-2 record. That brings the monthly total to 1140 pips! This has been the best month so far since FPM was first put into use as a live trading system last spring. The continued downward trend of the EUR/JPY (and USD/JPY, GBP/JPY) has a lot to do with that as it's accounted for a large amount of pips.
I continue to work on the new "day trading" system. I've received some email from people wondering whether this new system will replace the current Forex Profit Monster. The answer is NO!!!!!! Why would I replace a system that has consistently generated 400+ pips per month? No, this new system is designed to be more of a daytrading system that gets you into and out of moves faster so that most of your trades will close out within a single trading session. It's meant to be used alongside Forex Profit Monster... with FPM as a longer term system and the new "Forex Day Trading Monster" (I guess that's the name now LOL) as a short term system. Both stand on their own as systems and are not dependent upon each other, but my personal plan is to use both to give me the power to diversify and spread my risk and pull even more consistent pips out of the Forex!
I've actually begun forward testing the new system myself this week as I check the new indicators for any bugs. So far so good. Once everything is OK the next step is to have a couple of people "beta test" the system along with me.
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster trading system, visit my website at
Thanks, and here's to many pips flowing into your account!
Friday, January 18, 2008
My Trade of the Week - EUR/JPY
Speaking of new customers, I'd like to thank everyone who has purchased the system over the past couple of weeks. Forex Profit Monster is now being traded worldwide, with new customers not only in the United States, but also Singapore, Canada, England, Germany and Italy just to name a few.
Well, it's Friday... and don't forget, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a bank holiday in the U.S., so expect trading volume to be down for the NY session on Monday (if your broker is open).
With this week's 234 pips that brings the monthly total for January to 827 pips. If you'd like more information about Forex Profit Monster and how it works, visit the website at
I'll be spending part of my weekend finishing the coding of a new indicator and starting to backtest a new short term system to compliment Forex Profit Monster. More news on that soon after it's ready...
Have a great weekend and here's to many pips...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Well, It Was A Good Mistake
It's been a few days since I've been able to post on the blog... between trading and taking care of some of my new customers for Forex Profit Monster I've been extremely busy! Toss in having to take care of some personal business this week that's cut into my trading time, and it's hard to believe it's Thursday already! As this seems to be happening more and more I'm seriously considering personally trading Forex Profit Monster only on the 4 Hour charts and above. I've been tinkering with a new indicator and a system to complement Forex Profit Monster. It's more of a "day trading" forex system in which the trades will just about always close out during a single trading session. This removes the stress of having to manage trades overnight and missing entry signals that may not be generated again for days because of not being able to trade on a certain day. This would give me the best of both worlds... Forex Profit Monster, a system where I can capture longer term moves of 150 to 1,000 pips; and a day trading system that will let me capture many smaller moves of 10 to 150 pips and close the orders out in a single day. I guess you could call this system the trend follower's version of "scalping" LOL. Anyway, more news on that soon as I've just about finished coding the indicators and will start backtesting the system this weekend.
I've had a couple of small losing trades this week and one winner... I'll update the information on the monthly total as well as share some good news from some of my customers in the next post... but it's time to check those 1 Hour charts...
Good luck and good trading!!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Whoops... Good Mistake or Bad Mistake????
So, I ended up making 34 pips on this trade... I guess we'll have to wait and see whether this was a good mistake or a bad mistake... I decided against re-entering the trade since it had already moved so far and I did come away with a profit.
It just goes to show you... even though you have a ton of experience using a platform, you can still make a mistake. (Although I still think the number reset as I entered the order!)
Even with this "mistake" in my trading, the current monthly total for January is +593 pips.
Best of luck in your trading... may the pips be with you!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Persistance Pays Off With USD/CHF Trade!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
GBP/USD and USD/CHF Trades
The USD/CHF also generated a short signal that I took for a 10 pip loss, then a few hours later generated a long signal which I took. I'm currently in that trade with a 20 pip profit. The target for this trade is 1.1185 which is the next major resistance level on the 1 Hour chart.
So, even with the two losing trades to start the day, I'm currently in profit for the day by 15 pips, maybe more depending on how the USD/CHF trade turns out. I'll post the results of the trade here on the Forex Profit Monster blog once it runs its course.
Tomorrow is a big news day with interest rate announcements and Trichet and Bernanke scheduled to speak, so I don't expect to take any trades tomorrow, but will be monitoring the trade that I have open.
Current "realized profits" for the month of January... +500 pips.
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster System, visit the website at
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Winning Trade on AUD/USD
Another profitable trade with Forex Profit Monster! It's been a slow month so far, with only two trades taken in a week, but the total so far for January is +485 pips. I'm expecting many more opportunities as we continue through the month because so many currency pairs are still in a tight range (especially the majors), even on the 1 Hour charts. The EUR/USD is especially poised to make a move, as is its correalated "cousin" the GBP/USD. I'm not used to seeing so much consolidation on this time frame for such an extended period of time... bring on the breakouts :-)
For more information about the Forex Profit Monster trading system, visit my website at
Good luck and good trading!
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Times, They Are A Rangin'...
Big news tomorrow on the Pound and the U.S. Dollar is probably causing the ranging to continue. Both economic reports have to do with housing, and as we all know the housing and mortgage crises are causing some real volatility in the markets and will probably continue to do so for some time. After the U.S. news is released at 10:00 am we may see some heavy trading into Wednesday as Wednesday is a relatively slow news day. Thursday brings the Pound interest rate decision, and both the European Central Bank's Trichet and the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke are scheduled to speak, so look for another risky day on Thursday. I expect some ranging on the major pairs until the Pound interest statement, followed by some possible wild volatility depending on what is said by Trichet and Bernanke. Thursday is a day I will probably be taking off.
This is one of those times that it takes some real trading discipline to not go looking for trades just so you can be in a trade. It took me a long time to learn this, but it's still tempting to try and jump in when you see so many pairs in a tight range just waiting to break out!!!
That's it for today... if you'd like more information about the Forex Profit Monster trading system, you'll find it on my website at
Best of luck and may many pips flow into your brokerage account!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Big News Day Means Day Off For Me
No trades currently open after closing out the EUR/JPY short, but it looks like plenty of opportunity on the horizon. Because of a combination of trading volume being down as people return from the holidays this week and the Unemployment and Non-Farm Payroll news being released today, many of the currency pairs have been trading in a range over the past couple of days. This is excellent news if you are a short term trend follower on the 1 Hour chart like I am... it means we should see some nice breakouts early next week on Monday or Tuesday.
With the employment news on the USD coming out weak today and the unemployment rate trending higher, it looks like the small amount of strength we've seen from the U.S. Dollar recently will be fading in the near term. The Great Britian Pound got some good news today on the Services PMI and mortgage news (!). I'll probably be watching for a breakout signal back to the upside on the GBP/USD after today's news... but with the interest rate decision due out on the Pound next Thursday any moves during the early part of the week will probably be quickly muted. Of course any of this is just speculation and as always I will let the market (and Forex Profit Monster) tell me what price is doing.
That's it for today... have a great weekend and as always, good trading!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
EUR/JPY Trade Closed on January 3rd
426 pips of profit in just a couple of days... not bad. Notice too how I didn't get stopped out during the "price spike" just before I closed the trade. This is another advantage of Forex Profit Monster... the stop loss method described in the User Guide will explain how to keep more of your trading profits by not getting stopped out in these situations.
For those of you who are skeptical (as you should be) here's a screenshot of the signals generated just before this trade and what would have happened.
Happy New Year... here's to good trading and success at forex!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Welcome to the new Forex Profit Monster blog!
I'll soon begin detailing trades that the system has generated along with posted charts. These trades will be trades I've actually taken... NOT HYPOTHETICAL. These posts will be made as frequently as my trading schedule will allow. Personally I've been able to consistently generate over 400 pips per month for the past several months trading 8 different pairs on the 1 Hour, 4 Hour and Daily time frames (although most of my trading is done on the 1 Hour chart). The best month came this past November which was a profit of 999 pips! There were a lot of great trends going on in November and I was very focused and able to catch a lot of them. Sure, it would have been nice to have had ONE MORE PIP so that I could have had a 1,000 pip month, but remember... don't get greedy. :-)
December was also a profitable month with a gain of 585 pips... although I should have made more. I got a little sidetracked with some other things and missed some great trades that happened the week before Christmas on the 1 Hour charts. Being curious I did have to sit down and add them up... over 700 pips missed on a few beautiful week long trends. Not that I would have necessarily caught all of them, but I'm sure I would've gotten most. That would have made December another great month like November... not that I'm complaining about a 585 pip month.
Here's to 2008 and many more opportunities to profit!