Here are the details:
31 trades
11 wins: 2,514 pips
20 losses: 1,611 pips
Total: +903 pips
35% win rate
Avg win: 228 pips
Avg loss: 80 pips
Avg R/R: 2.85 to 1
Results by currency pair:
GBP/USD 2W, 1L +659
EUR/USD 2W, 0L +556
AUD/USD 2W, 2L +150
EUR/JPY 1W, 4L + 97
USD/CAD 2W, 2L + 83
USD/JPY 1W, 3L (- 89)
GBP/JPY 1W, 3L (- 94)
USD/CHF 0W, 5L (-459)
Here are the FPM results for 2010 so far:
January: +823
February: +669
March: +434
April: (-446)
May: +4,597
June (-1,870)
July (-185)
August +903
Total: +4,925 pips
Average: 615 pips per month
For more information about Forex Profit Monster (or my day trading system Forex Day Monster) visit www.forexprofitmonster.com. To purchase either system, visit the "Purchase" tab in the menu at the top of www.forexprofitmonster.com, or visit my eBay page at http://myworld.ebay.com/jimsgr8stuff4less/.
I hope your August was as profitable as mine... and here's to even more profit ahead as volume returns now that September is here!
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