It's been almost a year since I've had a "windfall" month like April. It always feels good to reap the rewards of being a patient trend follower... and when the pips come flowing in like they did last month, you can't help but feel good! After all was said and done, I finished April with a profit of +2,168 pips across the 8 currency pairs I trade on the 4 Hour chart. I'm at a new account balance high, a new equity high, and I have a few trades still open that have carried over into May with a current total of about 1,500 pips of profit!
I'll get into the exact details of the month's performance in a little bit, but first the time seems right to address a question I got about 2 weeks ago from a fellow trader. I'll keep this person's name anonymous because I didn't ask to publish his question, but I think it's important to answer it and discuss the subject matter he brings up in an open forum so that others who may have the same mindset can learn.
The question posed was regarding my year end results with Forex Profit Monster over the past few years and the "sub-par" performance of the first two months of 2011:
"With regards to decreasing ROI year after year (2008: 300%, 2009: 60%, 2010: 30%, 2011: ?% do you consider FPM to be slowly losing its edge?"
I don't mean to be rude, but if this seems like a good question then you have a LOT to learn, young Jedi. :-)
The fact that the ROI has decreased each year for the past 3 years is not because the trading system is becoming less effective... it's actually quite the opposite! This system is very robust, and it adapts to the current market conditions. The reason that I experienced a 300% return in 2008 was because of the global "market meltdown" toward the end of that year. FPM helped me to achieve the incredible results in 2008 (not only a 300% return for the year, but more than a 100% profit in the month of October alone) while many other traders and investors were losing 40-50% of their account values (or more... there were a lot of account "KABOOMS" heard toward the end of 2008!). It was the "black swan" event that drove the profits for 2008... those profits were extraordinary and they can't be expected EVERY year. However sooner or later they will happen again (with things the way they are more likely sooner than later), and if you're trading a sound trend following system like FPM you'll be in the same position I was in 2008 when they do.
As far as 2009 and 2010 are concerned, all veteran traders know that after a huge event like we had in 2008 it will always take some time for markets to "settle down" again while volume and volatility move from one extreme to the other... and because of this profits during these times can be squelched. I don't know if that's what you can call a 60% and 30% return, but I guess you can if you're comparing it to 300%. However, any way you look at it even 30% is a great year. Even suggesting that a 30% return on the year is "poor" performance (as the person who asked the question seems to think) shows someone who is far removed from reality!
Here's some "homework" for you if you think a 30% return on the year is poor performance... go to your local bank and ask them how much of a return they're willing to give you on a savings account; or better yet, tell an investment adviser that you think a 60% or 30% ROI on the year is poor performance and tell them you'd like to invest with them... I'd almost guarantee they won't take you on as a customer... in fact they may call security and have you escorted from the building LOL!
If you are a new trader (or even an experienced trader) who thinks the question asked was valid, then you need to adjust your view of the market(s). Trading systems can only deliver what the market allows them to under the current market conditions. If you think you have any control other than to follow your trading plan and accept the returns available then you should probably give up trading because you're going to lose all of your money in the long run. Find someone who is a good trader/money manager, give them your money to trade and let them make you some money... or just donate the money you were going to use in your account to a worthy charity... at least then it will do some good since you're probably going to lose it all anyway! As an added bonus of doing this you can claim the tax write-off!
And here's some more advice for those of you who might feel better selecting a professional to manage your money... invest it in a trend following fund... and do the opposite of human nature and buy in during a drawdown (when the fund is actually temporarily losing money) so that you can maximize your returns when the new trends kick in! If you buy in during the "good times" (like after a 300% ROI year), you may start out in a drawdown or during a long stagnant period while the market consolidates. If you're going to be successful even placing your money with someone else, this is the way you need to learn to think!
Now with that out of the way, here are the results for April:
19 trades
11 wins: +2,876
8 losses: (-708)
Total: +2,168 pips
Win rate: 57%
Avg win: 261 pips
Avg loss: 88 pips
Avg Risk/Reward ratio: 2.96 to 1
Here are the results by currency pair:
USD/JPY 2W, 0L +472
EUR/JPY 1W, 3L +444
AUD/USD 1W, 0L +421
GBP/JPY 2W, 1L +344
EUR/USD 1W, 1L +213
USD/CHF 2W, 0L +203
USD/CAD 1W, 1L +90
GBP/USD 1W, 2L (-19)
And the up to date yearly results so far for 2011:
January (-35)
February (-334)
March +869
April +2,168
That's +2,668 pips total so far for 2011, or an average of +667 pips per month.
I hope your April was as profitable as mine, here's to a successful May!
If you'd like more information about Forex Profit Monster (and my daytrading system Forex Day Monster), visit my website at www.forexprofitmonster.com. You can purchase both systems there on the "Purchase" page.
You can also buy each system individually on my eBay page at http://myworld.ebay.com/jimsgr8stuff4less/ where I list one or two trading systems per week at a discount.